Highly Efficient CD4+CD8+T Cell Isolation from PBMCs
Purity, recovery and viability are among the most important characters of
cells post-isolation. CytoSinctTM Nanobeads are nanometer-sized and can
isolate your target cells gently and efficiently, which
makes your postisolation cells
suitable for variety of down-stream applications.
Figure 1. PBMCs were isolated using CytoSinct™ CD4
Nanobeads, human (RUO) (Cat# L00863) and CytoSinct™ CD8 Nanobeads, human
(RUO) (Cat# L00864), the
results shows high purity(A,B), high recovery(C) and high viability(D).
Comparing to the similar products from the competitor, GenScript CytoSinct™
Nanobeads can provide the target
cells with high purity and recovery rate.
Figure 2. Subpopulation phoenotype of post-isolation cells
is important for functional and phenotypic studies. Non-T subpopulations
like monocyte and NK cells could
impact the efficacy of T-cells or therapeutic CAR-T and TCR-T generated from
the enrichment. GenScript CytoSinctTM Nanobeads for CD4 and CD8 T-cell
efficiently minimize non-T composition in the enrichment population.
Highly Efficient T Cell Isolation from Apheresis
CD4+&CD8+ or CD3+ T cell isolation are both commonly used for the relevant T
cell studies. GenScript can provide
high quality of both RUO and GMP grade CytoSinct™ Nanobeads, which can
support your studies from bench-side
to bed-side.
Figure 3. Representative data comparing T cells isolation
from leukopheresis samples using GenScript CytoSinctTM Nanobeads and
competitor products.
A. Shows comparison of pre and post isolation data, purity,
recovery, and viability for co-isolation of CD4 and CD8 T cell from
apheresis using CytoSinctTM CD4 +
CytoSinctTM CD8 and competitor reagent.
B. Shows comparison of pre and post isolation data, purity,
recovery, and viability. CD3 T cell from apheresis using CytoSinctTM CD3 and
competitor reagent.
Isolated T cells using CytoSinct™ Nanobeads has a
high purity and recovery rate.