The sVNT kit detects and measures circulating neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Neutralizing antibodies generated by the immune system after COVID-19 infection or vaccination function by blocking the interaction between the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and the ACE2 human cell surface receptor. Because of the crucial role of neutralizing antibodies, many vaccine companies and drug developers focus on the analysis of these antibodies. For example, vaccine developers frequently report the neutralizing antibody response induced by their vaccines. Additionally, drug development companies are currently developing drugs based on neutralizing antibodies for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The sVNT kit detects and measures neutralizing antibodies generated in response to COVID-19 vaccination. The kit also helps determine the efficacy of potential drugs at blocking the RBD-ACE2 interaction, regardless of whether these drugs are antibodies or small molecules. The kit further supports COVID-19 investigations of seroprevalence, assessment of herd immunity, and longevity of protective immunogenic response. The sVNT test is species-independent and can be used for studying the SARS-CoV-2 infection in animals such as rats, mice, ferrets, and rabbits. The kit is a faster, easier, and higher throughput alternative to a live virus assay for detecting neutralizing antibodies.

The sVNT test can be used for both qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies. In the qualitative mode, the test signals the presence or absence of neutralizing antibodies in a sample. In the semi-quantitative mode, the test measures the relative amount of neutralizing antibodies against a calibrator using a standard curve (Figure 1a). The results are then displayed as High/Medium/Low neutralization (Figure 1b), or as Units/mL or titer depending on the user's preference.

SARS CoV-2 detection sVNT
SARS CoV-2 detection sVNT

Figure 1. Semi-quantitative assessment of neutralizing antibodies using sVNT kit. GenScript's sVNT kit was used to detect SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in three samples.
(a) Calculation of Final Neutralizing Titer. A standard curve was used to plot the neutralization response in the given samples. The final neutralization titer is calculated for each sample to help quantitate the neutralization activity. The final neutralization titer is the product of the interpolated titer from the standard curve and the sample dilution factor required to achieve the OD450 value that falls within the linear range. The results identify samples with high (red) medium (blue) and low (green) neutralization titers.
(b). Data interpretation.
The relative amount of virus neutralization activity in the samples was classified as "low", "medium" or high".


  • 96 well ELISA format test with ACE2 protein attached to the plate and HRP-labeled RBD used for detection.
  • The test can be used with serum and plasma samples.
  • Positive and negative controls are included in the kit.
  • Calibrated against the WHO neutralization standard.

    Note: Global patent protection for the kit will be firmly implemented.

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covid 19 diagnostics svnt

SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Virus Neutralization Test (sVNT) Kit

96 Test
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S-RBD HRP (wild type) is one of the components in the kit. It's available separately.
S-RBD HRP (variants) is recommended as a replacement of it in the kit. Users can modify and optimize the variant sVNT assay.
A02087, SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Standard, is intended for the calibration of the semi-quantitative assay of SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Virus Neutralization Test.

Research Applications

COVID-19 Diagnostic Test

Epidemiology & Immunity Studies

Vaccine Development

Therapeutic Development


Species Independent

Species Independent

Isotype Independent

Isotype Independent

High Specificity

High Specificity

High Sensitivity

High Sensitivity

Safe & Scalable

Safe & Scalable
