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Peptide imprinted receptors for the determination of the small cell lung cancer associated biomarker progastrin releasing peptide.

J Chromatogr A.. 2014-10; 
AA Qader, J Urraca, SB Torsetnes, F Tønnesen, L Reubsaet, B Sellergren. Institute of Environmental Research (INFU) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, TU Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, 44221 Dortmund, Germany.
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Peptide imprinted polymers were developed for detection of progastrin releasing peptide (ProGRP); a low abundant blood based biomarker for small cell lung cancer. The polymers targeted the proteotypic nona-peptide sequence NLLGLIEAK and were used for selective enrichment of the proteotypic peptide prior to LCMS based quantification. Peptide imprinted polymers with the best affinity characteristics were first identified from a 96-polymer combinatorial library. The effects of functional monomers, crosslinker, porogen, and template on adsorption capacity and selectivity for NLLGLIEAK were investigated and optimized. Ultimately, a solid phase extraction method was developed for highly selective enrichment of the ta... More


Molecularly imprinted polymers; MIP; Solid phase extraction; Combinatorial synthesis