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Synthetic genomes unveil the effects of synonymous recoding

biorxiv. 2024-06; 
Akos Nyerges, Anush Chiappino-Pepe, Bogdan Budnik, Maximilien Baas-Thomas, Regan Flynn, Shirui Yan, Nili Ostrov, Min Liu, Meizhou Wang, Qingmei Zheng, Fangxiang Hu, Kangming Chen, Alexandra Rudolph, Dawn Chen, Jenny Ahn, Owen Spencer, Venkat Ayalavarapu, Angela Tarver, Miranda Harmon-Smith, Matthew Hamilton, Ian Blaby, Yasuo Yoshikuni, Behnoush Hajian, Adeline Jin, Balint Kintses, Monika Szamel, Viktoria Seregi, Yue Shen, Zilong Li, George M Church
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Engineering the genetic code of an organism provides the basis for (i) making any organism safely resistant to natural viruses and (ii) preventing genetic information flow into and out of genetically modified organisms while (iii) allowing the biosynthesis of genetically encoded unnatural polymers. Achieving these three goals requires the reassignment of multiple of the 64 codons nature uses to encode proteins. However, synonymous codon replacement-recoding-is frequently lethal, and how recoding impacts fitness remains poorly explored. Here, we explore these effects using whole-genome synthesis, multiplexed directed evolution, and genome-transcriptome-translatome-proteome co-profiling on multiple recoded genome... More
