GenSmart Optimization is a free online tool for performing codon optimization to improve gene expression. GenScript’s patented algorithms are integrated into the tool to optimize the computing capability of high-performance sequence generation.

Step 1: Enter your DNA coding or protein amino acid sequence(s) into the table.

Step 2: Select your desired expression host organism.

Step 3 (Optional): Select the restriction enzyme site(s) you like to exclude.

Step 4: Click “Optimize” button to activate the computing.

View the optimized result(s) and proceed with our easy and quick ordering system or archive your results for future use.

* Copy & Paste your sequence(s) into the spreadsheet
Clear Table

* Expression Host Organism:
Second Expression Host Organism:

Excluded Sequences (Optional):

Please enter the name of restriction enzyme site(s) you would like to exclude from your optimized sequence(s).

Keep Restriction Enzymes:

Please enter the name of restriction enzyme site(s) you would like to keep from your optimized sequence(s).


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