Join GenScript in this series of webinars, featuring 3 leaders in the life sciences from academia and industry, leveraging the strengths of synthetic biology technologies to develop life-changing therapies.
09-20-2023 Dr. John Zuris, Director of Editing Technologies – Editas Medicine
Join us in our webinar to learn more how our new miniature circular dsDNA system--GenCircle dsDNA can help you eliminate risks of antibiotic resistant gene and improves the performance in T cell engineering and in vivo expression.
02-22-2023 Dr. Fan Zhou, PhD, Sr. Scientist of Molecular Biology, GenScript Biotech
CRISPR-Cas is an adaptive immune system of prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea)
03-17-2022 Join Prof. Dr. John van der Oost
Despite hundreds of off-the-shelf treatments, cancer remains one of the leading cause of death globally
10-28-2021 Dr. Edward Wong, Dr. Leung How Wing
The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a catastrophic global emergency. The recent dramatic appearance of variants of concern of SARS-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) highlights the need for innovative approaches that simultaneously suppress viral replication and
09-15-2021 Dr. Mohamed Fareh, Senior Research Fellow, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
La tecnología de CRISPR ha revolucionado la biotecnología y la biomedicina como nunca antes otra técnica lo había hecho, con quizás pocas excepciones.
05-20-2021 Rafael Vázquez Manrique, PhD, Biomedicina Molecular, Celular y Genómica, IIS-La Fe, València, Spain