
The DYKDDDDK tag is an octapeptide with a low molecular weight that does not disrupt the epitopes or structural domains of the target protein, nor does it impact the protein's structure and function. The principle of its purification is the specific binding of the DYKDDDDK tag to the Anti-DYKDDDDK antibody on the resins or magnetic beads. GenScript provides purification resins, magnetic beads, and the detection ELISA plates for the purification of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins, used in experiments such as immunoprecipitation, purification, and detection of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins.

Key Features

Number one

Suitable for different application

Number two

High binding capacity with low non-specific binding

Number three

Compatible with a variety of protein expression systems

Number four

Multiple products to choose, Resins, Magnetic beads and pre-coated plates


DYKDDDDK tagged proteins purification and immunoprecipitation

Detection of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins

  • Purification Resins

  • Magnetic beads

  • Pre-coated plates

Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resins Selection Guide

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (L00432) Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin Easy (L00907) MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin (L00766)
Immunoprecipitation (IP) N/A ChIP
Ligand Mouse monoclonal antibody Rat monoclonal antibody Rabbit monoclonal antibody
Binding capacity ~1.5 mg/ml resin ~1.0 mg/ml resin ~1.5 mg/ml resin
Elution Alkaline elution
Acid elution N/A N/A
Neutral elution N/A N/A
Competitive elution
SDS-PAGE loading buffer
Regeneration 4-10 times 4-10 times 4-10 times
Advantages Purification application:
  • High binding capacity
  • High purity
IP application:
  • Low non-specific binding
  • High sensitivity

Purification application:
  • High purity, especially in yeast system
Purification application under extreme conditions:
  • High salt resistance
  • Acid resistant

Purification Application Recommendation —— L00432

Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin (Cat. No. L00432) is an excellent affinity chromatography media, coupled with a specific and high-affinity mouse monoclonal antibody against the DYKDDDDK tag, and can be used to purify DYKDDDDK tagged proteins.

  • Product Information
    4% cross‐linked agarose
    Average Bead size
    90 μm
    Mouse monoclonal antibody against DYKDDDDK tag, clone G1
    Binding Capacity
    Approximately 1.5 mg DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein per ml settled resin
    Product Content
    50% settled resin in TBS with 0.02% sodium azide
    Elution Method
    Acid, alkaline, neutral, peptide competitive or SDS‐PAGE loading buffer elutions
    Storage & Stability
    Store at 2‐8 °C for up to 12 months. Do not freeze the resin
    Resin Reuse
    4-10 times
  • Application Case
    Application Case
  • Order Information
    Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
    Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin

IP and Purification Application Recommendation —— L00907

GenScript's latest Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin Easy (Cat. No. L00907) has the characteristics of high capacity, high specificity, high sensitivity and reusability. It can be used for affinity purification and immunoprecipitation of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins expressed in common protein expression systems such as bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells.

  • Product Information
    IP and Purification
    4% cross‐linked agarose
    Average Bead size
    45-165 μm
    Rat monoclonal antibody
    Binding Capacity
    Approximately 1 mg DYKDDDDK‐tagged protein per ml settled resin
    Product Content
    50% settled resin in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide
    Elution Method
    Alkaline or peptide competitive
    Storage & Stability
    Store at 2‐8 °C for up to 12 months. Do not freeze the resin
    Resin Reuse
    4-10 times
  • Case study 1: IP application

    Low non-specific adsorption
    Conclusion: GenScript L00907 has almost no non-specific adsorption on HA and cGFP tag fusion protein, and its performance is better than that of competitors.

    High specificity
    Conclusion: GenScript L00907 can still effectively capture the target protein under the experimental conditions with a very small amount of target protein, and its sensitivity is higher than that of competitors.

    Case Study 2: Purification Experiment

    Conclusion: The purity of the target protein purified by GenScript L00907 in different expression systems was >95%, especially in the Yeast system.

  • Order Information
    Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
    Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin Easy

Purification under extreme conditions —— L00766

MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin (L00766) is a high-salt tolerant, ultra-high binding capacity resin, with a binding capacity of up to 1.5mg/ml. It is coupled with a broad-spectrum, high-affinity rabbit anti-DYKDDDDK monoclonal antibody, used for purify DYKDDDDK tagged proteins under high-salt condition.

Purification Magnetic Beads

MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Beads (L00835) are high-performance magnetic beads, covalently coated with a rabbit monoclonal anti-DYKDDDDK antibody. It can be directly used to purify DYKDDDDK tagged proteins, with high binding capacity, low non-specific binding, and simple to use. It is suitable for the purification of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins in cell lysates, cell secretion supernatants, blood, and ascites.

  • Magnetic Beads
    Super paramagnetic beads
    Average Bead size
    70 μm
    Rabbit monoclonal antibody
    Binding Capacity
    > 1.5 mg protein (50KDa)/ml beads
    Product Content
    50% slurry in TBS with 50% glycerol and 0.02% sodium azide
    Elution Method
    Alkaline, peptide competitive or SDS‐PAGE loading buffer
    -20 °C
    Resin Reuse
    ≥ 5 times
  • Order Information
    Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
    MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Beads

Pre-coated plates

ELISA pre-coated plate (L00455) is a microtiter plate coated with THE™ Anti DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody. The plate is designed for the rapid capturing of DYKDDDDK tagged proteins expressed in different systems, including, E. coli, yeast and mammalian extracts and cell culture supernatants. It can be applied for the detection of DYKDDDDK tag located at N-terminus, C-terminus, or internal of the protein. The plate demonstrates high sensitivity and high binding capacity.

Please avoid using assay reagents that can detection mouse IgG, such as anti-mouse IgG antibodies and Protein A.

Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody Plate (Black, 96-well)
$229.00 5 plates
DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody Plate (Clear, 8X12 strip)
$229.00 5 plates
DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody Plate (White, 96-well)
$229.00 5 plates

* Click to learn more about Protein Purification >>

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