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A motif of which seven or more may appear in a DNA-binding protein. Each is characterized by two closely spaced cysteine and two histidine residues that serve as ligands for a single Zn2+. When bound to Zn2+ they form a module from which protrude amino acid side chains that interact with the bases partially exposed to the DNA major groove. Since in the area of contact there is a limited and local parallel of DNA and protein sequences, the occurrence of the contacting amino acid residues in the protein sequence falls into a regularity, or register, that creates in the protein a syllabicity. Klug, A. and Schwabe, J.W.R. (1995) FASEB J. 9, 597-604; Berg, J.M. (1995) Acc. Chem. Res. 28, 14-19
GenSmart Optimization is a free online tool for performing codon optimization to improve gene expression. GenScript's patented algorithms are integrated into the tool to optimize the computing capability of high-performance sequence generation.
GenSmart™ Design is a free online DNA construct design tool developed by GenScript. GenSmart™ Design has two design modules, the Create Construct module for individual plasmid design and the Create Library module for DNA library design.
This online tool shows commonly used genetic codon frequency table in expression host organisms including Escherichia coli and other common host organisms.
Protein Expression
GenScript recombinant protein and rAb services provide high quality recombinant proteins and rAbs for a variety of downstream research applications.
Bacterial Expression
One-stop service from Sequence to Protein starting from $1600, 4 weeks.
Insect Expression
GenScript's BacuVance baculovirus expression system was developed by our in-house team of scientists for virus production and expression of recombinant proteins from baculovirus-infected insect cells.
Mammalian Transient Expression
Proprietary High Density (HD) expression system, enhance the protein yield up to 100 fold, achieve antibody titers up to 3 g/L.
Reagents for COVID-19 Research
Gram level, ready to ship RBD proteins, ACE2 assay cell lines and pseudovirus.
If you know of any terms that have been omitted from this glossary that you feel would be useful to include, please send detail to the Editorial Office at GenScript: [email protected]