Homing CRISPR Could Be Used to Barcode Whole Genomic DNA in vivo

Lineage tracing is challenging in a mammalian model system with complex developmental pathways. Well, besides powerful genome editing ability, CRISPR could also be used for lineage tracing by barcode whole genomic DNA. Yesterday, George M. Church group reported in Science that,using homing CRISPR guide RNA (hgRNA) which are modified versions of canonical single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) targeting their own loci, they generate developmentally barcoded mice. With the model, lineage information is recorded in cell genomes and can be extracted and reconstructed. The work provide a platform for in vivo barcoding and lineage tracing, particularly for connectome mapping in the brain.

Use hgRNA to Barcode Whole Genomic DNA in vivo

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