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Hemiselmis andersenii

471 gene

Chromosome: 1 2 3

Gene Symbol Full Name Gene Type
HAN_1g177 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g114 gblp protein-coding
HAN_1g179 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g129 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g138 rpl7 protein-coding
HAN_1g150 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g140 prsB3 protein-coding
HAN_1g74 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g37 dbx-like protein protein-coding
HAN_1g174 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g170 sut protein-coding
HAN_1g154 rpl10A protein-coding
HAN_1g42 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g54 mcm5 protein-coding
HAN_1g172 ufd protein-coding
HAN_1g17 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g58 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g147 rps16 protein-coding
HAN_1g161 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g52 h3 protein-coding
HAN_1g88 impA protein-coding
HAN_1g6 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g143 tcpB protein-coding
HAN_1g111 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g22 gps2 protein-coding
HAN_1g61 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g18 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g149 rpl3 protein-coding
HAN_1g20 nop-like protein protein-coding
HAN_1g169 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g49 rpl23 protein-coding
HAN_1g38 pab1 protein-coding
HAN_1g112 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g98 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g47 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g87 hat protein-coding
HAN_1g75 tha4 protein-coding
HAN_1g55 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g148 mak16 protein-coding
HAN_1g99 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g81 tubG protein-coding
HAN_1g48 eif5A protein-coding
HAN_1g27 rps27A protein-coding
HAN_1g173 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g97 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g14 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g12 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g90 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g130 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g63 rps11 protein-coding
HAN_1g168 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g41 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g126 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g10 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g45 kea1 protein-coding
HAN_1g73 prsA6 protein-coding
HAN_1g91 asf protein-coding
HAN_1g110 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g86 erf1 protein-coding
HAN_1g164 tubB protein-coding
HAN_1g157 nop2 protein-coding
HAN_1g117 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g72 rpc1 protein-coding
HAN_1g134 cpeT-like protein protein-coding
HAN_1g109 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g57 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g175 ubc4 protein-coding
HAN_1g7 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g19 ef2 protein-coding
HAN_1g125 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g166 rpl32 protein-coding
HAN_1g32 rpc2 protein-coding
HAN_1g80 sufD protein-coding
HAN_1g137 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g82 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g9 ubc4 protein-coding
HAN_1g36 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g11 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g104 rps24 protein-coding
HAN_1g146 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g53 h4 protein-coding
HAN_1g108 rpl8 protein-coding
HAN_1g159 prsS6 protein-coding
HAN_1g65 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g44 rpoD protein-coding
HAN_1g158 sbp1 protein-coding
HAN_1g156 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g142 nop56 protein-coding
HAN_1g176 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g33 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g62 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g70 hsp70 protein-coding
HAN_1g100 hfc136 protein-coding
HAN_1g16 prsA3 protein-coding
HAN_1g26 Rpf1 protein-coding
HAN_1g103 ncbP2 protein-coding
HAN_1g133 hsf protein-coding
HAN_1g64 rpl18A protein-coding
HAN_1g178 hypothetical protein protein-coding
HAN_1g118 hypothetical protein protein-coding
First Previous [1] 2 Next Last Total Pages 2

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