Catalog Products » Protein Detection and Immunoassay » His Tagged Protein Detection & Purification » DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody Plate (White, 96-well)

DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody Plate (White, 96-well)

DYKDDDDK (Flag) Tag Antibody Plate is a microtiter plate coated with THETM Anti DYKDDDDK (Flag) Tag Antibody. The plate is designed for the rapid capturing of DYKDDDDK (Flag) tagged protein expressed in different systems, including, E. coli, yeast and mammalian extracts and cell culture supernatants. It can be applied for the detection of DYKDDDDK (Flag) tag located at N-terminus, C-terminus, or internal of the protein. The plate demonstrates high sensitivity and high binding capacity. The capacity and sensitivity varies, depending on protein size, structure and solution buffer. Generally, proteins with lower molecular weight (M.W) can be more sensitive to the DYKDDDDK (Flag) antibody plate than ones with higher M.W. The plate is tolerable with several common used reagents. Avoid using detection reagents that can recognize mouse IgG, such as anti mouse IgG antibodies and protein A.

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DYKDDDDK (Flag) Tag Antibody Plate is a microtiter plate coated with THETM Anti DYKDDDDK (Flag) Tag Antibody. The plate is designed for the rapid capturing of DYKDDDDK (Flag) tagged protein expressed in different systems, including, E. coli, yeast and mammalian extracts and cell culture supernatants. It can be applied for the detection of DYKDDDDK (Flag) tag located at N-terminus, C-terminus, or internal of the protein. The plate demonstrates high sensitivity and high binding capacity. The capacity and sensitivity varies, depending on protein size, structure and solution buffer. Generally, proteins with lower molecular weight (M.W) can be more sensitive to the DYKDDDDK (Flag) antibody plate than ones with higher M.W. The plate is tolerable with several common used reagents. Avoid using detection reagents that can recognize mouse IgG, such as anti mouse IgG antibodies and protein A.

GenScript provides clear, white or black plates respectively to satisfy different assay demands, including colorimetric, chemiluminescent or fluorescent assay.


FLAG® is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Biotechnology LP and Sigma-Aldrich Co.

Key Features



Pre-coated Antibody

THETM DYKDDDDK Tag Antibody, mAb, Mouse


N-terminal/C-terminal/internal Flag-tagged protein


1 ng/well


100~300 ng/well

Reagents Compatibility

Compatible with common used reagents (see Reagent Compatibility Tests table)