Catalog Products » WB-MASTER Protein Standard
WB-MASTER Protein Standard

Separated on 4-20 % SDS-PAGE then transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane

WB-MASTER Protein Standard

WB-MASTER Protein Standard is designed for convenient protein identification in western blot. This standard consists of seven recombinant proteins with molecular weight of 20 KDa, 30 KDa, 40 KDa, 50 KDa, 60 KDa, 80 KDa, and 120 KDa. Each of the proteins contains an IgG banding site that is able to bind to primary or secondary antibodies derived from a wide range of host species. The standard thus enables direct visualization of both the protein marker and users' samples on the same western blot membrane without any additional reagents.

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1. Do NOT boil this product.
2. For best results, the loading volume of the marker should be optimized for different experiment conditions (from 2.5 µl to 10 µl).
3. This marker binds to the constant region of IgG, so protein A or protein G fluorephore conjugates cannot be used as the secondary antibody.

Volume 2.5-10 µl per well, the loading volume of the marker should be optimized for different experiment conditions

Calculation The apparent molecular weights of its seven protein bands are 20 kDa, 30KDa, 40 kDa, 50KDa, 60 kDa, 80 kDa and 120 kDa.
Storage Store at -20°C
Avoid repeated freezing and thawing

  • WB-MASTER Protein Standard
  • WB-MASTER Protein Standard

    Separated on 4-20 % SDS-PAGE then transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane


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