
Prime editing (PE) provides enhanced precision compared to traditional Cas9 systems and offers a potential alternative for CRISPR-based gene and cell therapeutic development by eliminating the need for double-stranded DNA breaks, which are associated with off-target edits.

Prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA) is one of the two essential components for prime editing. It not only identifies the target site but also encodes the new DNA sequence for the edit. The pegRNA consists of a spacer, scaffold, reverse transcription template (RTT) containing the desired edit sequence, and a primer binding site (PBS) to initiate reverse transcription. The nickase-Cas9 (nCas9) fused with a reverse transcriptase is guided to the target site by the pegRNA, where it introduces a single-strand break (or "nick") in the target DNA. The pegRNA then initiates reverse transcription to replace the removed sequence with the new template sequence.

The complex design of pegRNA often results in lengths exceeding 110 nucleotides, making synthesis challenging. Leveraging over 22 years of RNA oligo synthesis expertise, we proudly offer desalted and HPLC-purified pegRNA up to 231 nucleotides in length, with over 200 modification options to support your research needs.

pegRNA design tool - Empower precise and easy design

  • Comprehensive Functions: Simply enter your desired gene symbol or sequence for guided support from design to ordering.
  • More Editing Approaches: Supports knock-ins, knockouts, and sequence replacement, with knock-ins up to 100 nt.
  • Enhances Editing Efficiency: Includes nicking sgRNA, 3' extension, and silent mutations.
  • Easy to Use: Displays base and amino acid changes, with multiple indices for easy selection.


Shawn Yang Shawn Yang

Prime Medicine

I have been using GenScript to order customized critical reagents for an important assay. GenScript can always deliver materials efficiently with good quality. Their technical support is great at addressing any additional questions.


Up to 231 nt for Both Desalt &
HPLC Purified Grades

Precise molecular weight, high purity, excellent batch-to-batch consistency

Proven Editing Efficiency

Editing efficiency over 60%
Modifications to enhance efficiency

One-Stop Solution

PE2/PE3 mRNA available
Validated experiment protocol

RUO to cGMP Capability

Supporting research to IND application & clinical trials


Service pegRNA (Prime Editing guide RNA) Synthesis Service
Length 110-231 nt*
*For <110 nt or>200 nt RNA oligo synthesis, please inquire here
  • Default modifications for increased stability
  • 2'-O-Methylation and phosphorothioate modifications optional with NO additional cost
  • 200+ additional custom modifications available
Purification Desalt & HPLC purification options (Purity is guaranteed ≥ 85% for HPLC purified grade )*
Quantity 2-100 nmol, lyophilized powder. Optional suspension in TE buffer or NF-dH2O also available. For other quantities, please inquire here
QC Reports COA and MS report (HPLC report available for HPLC purity grade)
Production Time 7 business days (Excluding shipping time)

* ≥85% purity is guaranteed for HPLC-purified pegRNA 110-200 nt in length. For other lengths, please inquire here.

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Competitive Pricing!

Length* Quantity Desalt Grade HPLC Grade
110-150 nt 2 nmol $240 Inquire for pricing
5 nmol $330
10 nmol $450
50 nmol $1100
100 nmol $1600
151-231 nt 2-100 nmol Inquire for pricing

Prime Editing Products: Rapid and Efficient Validation and Optimization of your PE Editing System

Are you looking to validate your prime editing experimental system or optimize for editing efficiency? Try our off-the-shelf Prime Editing products:

(Refer to the protocol here and see validation data in Case 2 here.)

Off the Shelf (OTS) Product Catalog No. Purification Methods Qty List Price
PE2/PE3 mRNA SC2346 / 0.2mg/ 1mg $350/ $1300
Human HEK3 PegRNA - 141nt KIOK16 HPLC 2 nmol $149
Human HEK3 ePegRNA (3' tevopreQ1) - 218nt KIOK17 HPLC 2 nmol $199
Human HEK3 nicking sgRNA KIOK18 HPLC 2 nmol $49
Human HEK3-F validation primer KIOK19 Desalt 0.5 nmol $4
Human HEK3-R validation primer KIOK20 Desalt 0.5nmol $4 

Case Studies

Looking for guides for other editing systems?

Prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA) Synthesis Service
Cas9 sgRNA Synthesis Service

97 to 103 nt, improving your editing efficiency at a cost-effective price

Learn More
Cas12a (cpf1) crRNA Synthesis Service

40 to 49 nt, with superior quality and editing efficiency up to 98%

Learn More

GenScript can also synthesize desalt and HPLC purified guide RNA compatible with saCas9, Cas12f/CasMINI, Cas13, and other Cas nuclease variants.

Click here to enter your guide sequence (target sequence + scaffold sequence) and order online.


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