
Protein purification is vital for the characterization of the function, structure and interactions of the protein of interest. Among various protein purification technologies, affinity chromatography is absolutely the most important and powerful method since it can offer high selectivity, high resolution, and high capacity for target proteins. GenScript provides a variety of simple-to-use affinity purification resins for batch/gravity purification, allowing for efficient, convenient and reliable separation of proteins and antibodies from your crude sample for further applications.

Key Features

Number one

Excellent affinity chromatography media for protein and antibody purification

Number two

Fast and simple procedures for batch or gravity-flow operation

Number three

High binding capacity with ultra low nonspecific binding

Number four

Compatible with a variety of sample formats and buffer additives

Number five

Boosted cost-effectiveness due to reusability for several times


Antibody purification

Purification of streptavidin, avidin or their conjugates

  • Product Details

  • Selection Guide

  • Customer Citations

Protein A, G and L Resins

Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
Protein G Resin
$129.00 5 ml Resin (Total 10 ml)
Protein A Resin
$108.00 5 ml Resin (Total 10 ml)
Protein L Resin
$160.00 2.5 ml Resin (Total 5 ml)
Protein A ELISA Kit
$587.00 1 kit
Monofinity A Resin
Protein A Resin FF
$402.00 5 ml Resin (Total 10 ml)
Protein G Resin FF
Protein A Resin FF Prepacked Column
Protein G Resin FF Prepacked Column

Tagged Protein Purification Resins

Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
Glutathione Resin
$112.00 10 ml Resin (Total 20 ml)
GST Fusion Protein Purification Kit
$144.00 1 Kit
High Affinity Ni-Charged Resin
Streptavidin Resin
$158.00 5 ml Resin (Total 10 ml)
Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin
Ni Resin FF
High Affinity Ni-Charged Resin FF
High Affinity Ni-Charged Resin FF Prepacked Column
Ni-IDA Resin FF Prepacked Column
MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin

Resins for Immunoprecipitation

Cat. No. Product Name Quantity Price Order
$205.00 1 ml Resin (Total 2 ml)
Anti-His Affinity Resin
Application Product Ligand used Binding capacity Size Cat.No.
Antibody purification Protein A Resin Recombinant protein A >20 mg human IgG/ml settled resin 5 ml L00210
Protein A Resin FF Recombinant protein A on FPLC-compatible resin > 40 mg human IgG/ml settled resin 5 ml L00464
Protein G Resin Recombinant protein G >20 mg sheep IgG/ml settled resin 5 ml L00209
Protein G Resin FF Recombinant protein G on FPLC-compatible resin ≥ 20 mg human IgG/m settled resin 5/25/100 ml L00664
Protein L Resin Recombinant protein L >15 mg rabbit IgG/ml settled resin 2.5 ml L00239
Alkaline stable antibody purification resin Monofinity A Resin Recombinant alkaline tolerant protein A >30 mg human IgG/ml settled resin 25/200 ml
1/5/10 L
Antibody purification (Prepacked Column) Monofinity A Resin Prepacked Column Recombinant alkaline tolerant protein A in a prepacked column >30 mg human IgG/ml settled resin 1/5/25 ml L00433
Protein A Resin FF Prepacked Column Recombinant alkaline tolerant protein A on FPLC-compatible resin in a prepacked column > 40 mg human IgG/ ml settled resin 2 /5 /25 ml L00680
Protein G Resin FF Prepacked Column Recombinant protein G on FPLC-compatible resin in a prepacked column ≥ 20 mg human IgG/ml settled resin 2 /5 /25 ml L00681
His-tagged protein purification High Affinity Ni-charged Resin Ni-NTA-charged resin 45-60 mg 6xHis-tagged protein (27 kD) /ml settled resin 10 ml
25 ml
500 ml
Ni Resin FF Ni-IDA-charged FPLC-compatible resin >40 mg 6xhistidine-tagged protein /ml settled resin 5 ml
25 ml
High Affinity Ni-Charged Resin FF Ni-NTA-charged FPLC-compatible resin >45 mg of histidine-tagged protein /ml settled resin 5/25/100 ml L00666
His-tagged protein purification (Prepacked Column) High Affinity Ni-Charged Resin FF Prepacked Column Ni-NTA-charged FPLC-compatible resin in a prepacked column >45 mg of histidine-tagged protein /ml settled resin 2 /5 /25 ml L00683
Ni-IDA Resin FF Prepacked Column Ni-IDA-charged FPLC-compatible resin in a prepacked column >40 mg of histidine-tagged protein /ml settled resin 2 /5 /25 ml L00684
GST fusion protein purification Glutathione Resin Glutathione 35-45 mg GST-tagged protein (26kD) /ml settled resin  10 ml L00206
GST Fusion Protein Purification Kit 1 kit L00207
Purification of DYKDDDDK tagged protein MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK Affinity Resin MonoRab™ Anti-DYKDDDDK antibody Approximately 1.5 mg DYKDDDDK-tagged protein/ml settled resin 1 ml
5 ml
25 ml
Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 Affinity Resin Anti-DYKDDDDK G1 antibody Approximately 1 mg DYKDDDDK-tagged protein/ml settled resin 1 ml
5 ml
10 ml
25 ml
Purification of biotinylated protein, antibody, lectin etc. Streptavidin Resin Streptavidin 120 nmol D-Binotin/ml settled resin 5 ml L00353
Immobilization of sulfhydryl-containing peptides, proteins and other ligands for following purification High-Affinity Iodoacetyl Resin   >9 mg Goat IgG/ml settled resin 10 ml L00403
1 kit L00404
High-Affinity Antibody Purification Kit
Immunoprecipitation Anti-His Affinity Resin THE™ anti-His monoclonal antibody >0.8 mg of histidine-tagged protein /ml settled resin 1/5 ml L00439
Chicken IgY Precipitating Resin Goat Anti-Chicken IgY Immunoprecipitation of chicken IgY or the enrichment of chicken primary IgY‐protein complexes. 1 ml L00405
Anti-DYKDDDDK IP Resin Mouse anti-DYKDDDDK monoclonal antibody Immunoprecipitation of DYKDDDDK-tagged protein or DYKDDDDK-tagged protein-target protein complex. 1 ml L00425
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  • Tian M., et al. The combined use of photoaffinity labeling and surface plasmon resonance-based technology identifies multiple salicylic acid-binding proteins. Plant J. 2012 Dec;72(6):1027-38.
  • Lei Y., et al. The mitochondrial proteins NLRX1 and TUFM form a complex that regulates type I interferon and autophagy. Immunity. 2012 Jun 29;36(6):933-46.
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