30% off for all synthetic sgRNA! EasyEdit sgRNA Now Starting at Only $55/2nmol! User Guide

Design high-performance CRISPR guide RNAs using the most up-to-date design algorithm, for effective gene editing.

Top-ranked guide RNAs for knocking out the gene
Exon sgRNA(Selected) sgRNA(Unselected)

Top-ranked guide RNAs and parameters

Go through sequence map

  • Click on the sequence map, by scrolling the mouse wheel, you can zoom in on the sequence map and check the guide RNA.
  • Press and hold the left mouse button to move the sequence map freely to the left or right.

Check guide RNA

  • By placing the mouse on the guide RNA, you can view the on/off target score and related parameters.
  • The guide RNA could be both on the + / - strand, if the guide RNA is target the + strand, the guide RNA will show the same direction as the genome, if the guide RNA is target the - strand, the guide RNA will show the contrary direction as the genome.

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