Applications of Synthetic Biology in Environmental
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Applications of Synthetic Biology in Environmental Conservation
Finding sustainable approaches in using natural resources without
further degrading it is among the top priorities of researchers
across the globe. On the other hand, there are growing
bioremediation efforts in reverting the detrimental effects of
environmental contamination caused by humans. Mainstream approaches
and efforts have so far been focused on using chemicals or
non-natural agents that can themselves harm the environment and are
costly. Now, with the help of novel cell-free or cell-based
solutions offered by synthetic biology, individual species of
microorganisms, microbial ecosystems comprised of multi-species
communities or metabolic parts of them are engineered to better
utilize, remediate and conserve our natural resources, and even
produce useful compounds from waste.
How does synthetic biology help with environmental
Synthetic biology is helping solve worldwide efforts
in preserving the environment and rescuing
contaminated natural resources through engineering
genetic circuits, metabolic pathways and enzymes in
microorganisms to:
Serve as biosensors for detecting toxic
environmental contaminants;
Act as natural agents of bioremediation to
neutralize contaminants or convert them into
non-toxic compounds;
Function as cell factories to produce useful
compounds, such as biofuel or chemicals,
from waste material.
What is the advantage of applying synthetic biology
strategies in environmental conservation?
Employing synthetic biology strategies in
bioremediation and environmental conservation is:
Improving the efficiency of detecting
environmental pollutants that can sense
multiple conditions and regulate responses,
Helping avoid the use of harmful agents for
the removal of contaminants through natural
biodegradation processes,
Enabling the production of food, chemicals
and energy from agricultural and industrial
waste material,
Offering control and cost saving compared to
traditional approaches.
What are prime examples of applying synthetic biology
solutions to conserve the environment?
Biodegradation of the organic pollutant
methylphenols in soil through ngineering a
species of Pseudomans to contain a
complex catabolic pathways comprised of
enzymes from five different catabolic
pathways from other bacteria
Production of biodiesel from waste cooking
oil by using
Pseudomonas mendocina cells
immobilized in magnetic microspheres
A biosensor made of engineered populations
E. coli containing an
arsenic-sensing gene circuit and a
clock-like oscillating circuit that can
generate a large dynamic range fluorescence
signal based on the level of the heavy metal
present in the environment; has the
potential for use as a handheld arsenic
Synthetic Biology Solutions
After establishing a clear goal and developing a design strategy,
the following services can facilitate the development of synthetic
biology-based solutions for environmental conservation:
GenPlus High-Throughput Gene Synthesis: Custom orders of any
size synthesized with our GenBuilder™ high efficiency
assembly technology, automated platform, and NGS multiplex
sequencing QC.
Combinatorial Assembly Library: A powerful source of either naturally-occurring or de
novo sequences seamlessly assembled for the discovery of new
proteins and development of novel pathways and networks.
CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing: A one-stop solution for harnessing the power of CRISPR
genome editing through partnership with the CRISPR pioneer,
Feng Zhang at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Technical Support, Quote & Ordering Information
Contact our technical support scientists to learn how GenScript can
help with your synthetic biology projects, request a quote or place
an order.