
GenScript's Bis-Tris precast gel series are high performance polyacrylamide gels that are designed to separate a wide range of protein sizes by electrophoresis. The gels are cast in a neutral pH buffer that minimizes polyacrylamide hydrolysis and increases gel stability. They also run at neutral pH which minimizes protein modification compared to Tris-glycine gels.

Why Choose GenScript Gels?

Sharp and consistent bands

Sharp and consistent bands

Fast run times

Fast run times

Running buffer included

Cost effective

Large well volume

Large well volume

Room temperature storage

Room temperature storage

Large well volume

Compatible cassette design

GenScript Precast Gel Selection Guide

Gel Tank
Gel Concentration
and Running Buffer
Sample Size
and Volume
Sample Buffer

GenScript's high quality mini gels generate the best electrophoresis performance with GenBox Mini Tank.

GenBox Mini Tank is designed for fast and consistent running of 2 mini gels at high voltages.

Other compatible gel tanks

Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® II & 3*

Bio-Rad Mini-PROTEAN® Tetra System*

*Please reverse the gasket on the inner electrode assembly before use. See manual for detail.

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Protein Expression Services