Molecular Chainsaw Massacre of Cancer Cells

To improve high-throughput antibody purification, GenScript is launching AmMag™ Monofinity™ A magnetic beads. These MagBeads have the same high binding capacity as protein A MagBeads MX, but are also alkaline stable (0.1- 0.5 M NaOH). Rinse, reuse, enjoy!

Small molecular motors were generated to pierce through cancer cells. How small? In the diameter of one human hair, about 50,000 of these machines can be placed end to end. The motors are light activated, and using a paddle like motion the atoms can be moved to spin the molecule in a certain direction, effectively creating a nanoscale drill. The scientists were able to demonstrate piercing of lipid bilayer using them, and the discovery may lead to specific destruction of disease carrying cells, such as cancer cells.

  • Víctor García-López, Fang Chen, Lizanne G. Nilewski et al. Molecular machines open cell membranes.  Nature, 2017 DOI:  10.1038/nature23657

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