
GenScript's plasmid DNA preparation services offer the most stringent quality control standards on the market, and services can be customized to your quality and quantity needs. Preps are offered at up to ≥ 90% supercoil and ≤ 0.01 EU/µg endotoxin levels. Here are the QC items we monitor when making plasmid preps:

QC items Specification Analytical Method
Appearance Clear, no visible particles Visual inspection
A260/280 1.8-2.0 Nanodrop UV absorption
Concentration On request, default 1 mg/ml UV absorption
Homogeneity Depends on your choice Densitometry upon agarose gel electrophoresis
Residual RNA Non-detectable at 200ng Visual inspection upon electrophoresis
E.coli Genomic DNA
  • < 15% by agarose gel electrophoresis
  • ≤ 5% by qPCR
Visual inspection upon electrophoresis
Restriction Analysis DNA bands with expected sizes detected by agarose gel electrophoresis Enzyme digestion and electrophoresis
Endotoxin Level Depends on your choice LAL assay
Bio-Burden Test No viable microorganisms in /on culture media Bioburden

Endotoxins deciphered: What role do they play in the plasmid prep process?