Genes in Space-3 Program Successfully Identifies Microbes in Space in Real Time

Identifies Microbes in Space Picture Scientists can now immediately identify unknown microbes in space without the need for sample collection, revolutionizing microbiology and space exploration.

A team of astronauts and scientists called the Genes in Space-3 have successfully completed the first ever sample to sequence process aboard a space station. The team wanted to be able to identify new microbes in space without having to send the samples back to Earth. There were two parts to tackle for this project, one was the collection of microbial samples and amplify the DNA sequences through polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and the second was to sequencing and identification of the microbe. In order to complete this experiment, one astronaut conducted the experiment abroad the orbiting laboratory, while a team of NASA officials, microbiologists, and the project’s principle investigator, guided her actions from Houston.

In order to get a microbial sample, the astronaut took routine microbial samples from different surfaces of the space ship and stored them in petri dishes. About a week later, working within the Microgravity Science Glovebox, the astronaut transferred cells from the bacterial colonies into miniature test tubes. Once the samples had been collected, the DNA was isolated and sequenced, allowing for the identification of the unknown microbe. Using a Min|On device to sequence the DNA, the astronaut was able to downlink the data to the team in Houston for analysis and identification. The goal of the project was to give astronauts the ability to sequence microbes on a space station, which could be the key to identifying DNA-based life on other planets or identifying the aliments of astronauts in real time in order to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Article provided by NASA/Johnson Space Center

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