
Gene and cell therapy have significant potential in treating a variety of diseases – from cancer to genetic disorders. In vitro, T cells can be reprogrammed to identify specific antigenic targets on cancerous B cells in vivo. Gene therapy efficacy also depends on successful binding of transfer vehicles to target cells, and this is contingent on identification of the most appropriate binding sites on a cell.

Peptide libraries have accelerated this research by allowing scientists to quickly identify peptides that are most important for binding interactions. For cancer applications, libraries have been used to identify specific ligands on tumor cell surfaces that can improve classification of cancer subtypes, ultimately improving cancer diagnostics. Additionally, peptide libraries have also been used to identify the cell-surface peptides that best enhance cell penetration for siRNA delivery.

Read how GenScript's peptide library synthesis service has accelerated research in T-cell therapy:

Nascimento et al. Identification of Conserved and HLA Promiscuous DENV3 T-Cell Epitopes. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. (2013) Oct; 7(10): e2497.

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