
Performing experiments with hydrophobic peptides can be extremely frustrating if you are unsure of how to properly dissolve your peptide. Determining the optimal conditions for dissolution of your peptide can consume up to 5 mg of your custom peptide stock, depleting peptide that might be crucial for future experiments.

Our solubility testing service makes working with hydrophobic peptides easier by taking the guesswork out of peptide solubility. We provide you with a complete, customized dissolution profile of your peptide, including a report containing the gross peptide concentration of your peptide and the solvents your peptide dissolves in best. Our peptide solubility test is a unique solution to help you conserve time, money, and your peptide stock, allowing you to easily determine the condition that both dissolves your peptides to the highest concentration and suits your assay requirements.

Advantages of solubility testing

Saves your sample Saves your sample

no need to use your custom peptide stock

Saves your time Saves your time

we prepare a customized dissolution profile for you

High success rate High success rate

at least 99% of peptides are dissolvable in one of our common lab solvents

Water: ~80-90% solubility

DPBS: ~80-90% solubility

DMSO: ~99% solubility

Solubility Testing Process and Deliverables

Solubility Testing Process and Deliverables

Qualitative solubility test Free

Your peptide sequence's characteristics are evaluated, and a customized solubility testing approach is designed.

Up to 3 of 6 solvents can be selected, default solvents are Ultrapure water, 1 x DPBS(pH 7.1±0.1) and DMSO.

General solubility property will be obtained (such as “soluble”, “insoluble”).

Quantitative solubility test New

The solvent used for solubility test can be customized. .

You will received a customized solubility test report containing the specific concentration of your peptide in each of the tested solvents.

If the peptide doesn’t dissolved well in your customized solvents, we will offer another soluble protocol for free.

Qualitative solubility test Free

Ultrapure water
1 x DPBS
(pH 7.1 ± 0.1)
Freely soluble

Quantitative solubility test New

Gross Peptide Concentration
Ultrapure water
1 x DPBS
(pH 7.1 ± 0.1)


How to order

Crude peptides, desalt peptides and peptide libraries are not eligible for a free solubility test.

Place a quote by clicking,Get a Quote Now,or emailing [email protected]
Enter your desired sequence, purity and quantity and check Q to request a free
Review your quote at My Account and order online or bv email
Your peptide and customized solubility report will arrive by Fedex in 2-3 weeks (may vary depending on sequence, purity and quantity)

Technical Resources