CRISPR-edited mammalian cell lines: advantages, applications, and tips for using this revolutionary technology

Do you routinely work with gene editing in mammalian cell lines and are looking for easier and more effective protocols? The CRISPR/Cas9 system has revolutionized mammalian cell genome editing and has become one of the most efficient, rapid and easy to use systems available. In this webinar, we will discuss the principles of CRISPR, applications, and practical considerations for using this technology in mammalian cell lines.

CRISPR-edited mammalian cell lines: advantages, applications and tips for using this revolutionary technology
  • KO mammalian cell lines and cell pools
  • Both viral- and non-viral transfection options
  • Validated gRNA sequences for efficient, specific targeting of WTCas9 or SAM
  • Target every gene in a single screen
  • Single- or dual- vectors available
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