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Cellular Senescence is an irreversible growth arrest undergone by all somatic cells in response to stresses and is characterized by a flat sprawling shape and inability to divide. The accumulation of senescent cells is believed to be related to both organismal aging and also to preventing progression of cancer.
Identification of senescent cells has been an ongoing challenge due to the lack or cellular characteristics and antibodies specific to senescent cells. Currently, telomere dysfunction, persistent double strand DNA breaks, cell cycle arrest, elevated SA-beta Gal, morphological transformation, and activation of tumor suppressor networks can be used to identify senescent cells, however imperfectly. Unfortunately, the senescence, aging, and telomere fields are hindered by a lack of availability of anti-senescence-associated antibodies for non-human species and immediate access to antibodies against new target candidates.
Ideal for rare model organisms (including aging animal models such as non-human primates, naked mole rats, and bowhead whales) and quickly securing antibodies against novel protein targets.
Custom Polyclonal antibodies | Custom Monoclonal antibodies |
New publications have demonstrated that blood from young mice injected into the circulatory systems of old mice reverses effects of aging. The presence of old blood in young animals was also observed to induce aging phenotypes. GDF11, which is naturally more abundant in the blood of younger mice and humans, was found to be sufficient to reverse aging effects.
Raiser et al. (May 2014) 'Rejuvenation Factor' in Blood Turns Back the Clock in Old Mice. Science. |
A new publication links T cells and macrophages responding to oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness. This study provides direct and indirect mechanisms for the effect of AMD-associated CEP on macrophages, and shows for the first time that antigen-specific T cells play a leading role in AMD pathogenesis.
The authors used monoclonal antibody anti-CEP produced by GenScript's Custom Monoclonal Antibody Services
Recent work demonstrates that high reactive oxygen species (ROS) conditions in a cell activate NF-E2-related transcription factor 2 (Nrf2) to stimulate transcription Kruppel-like factor 9 (Klf9) which increase ROS further, and leads to cell death. Nrf2 was previously known to function as a transcriptional regulator for antioxidant gene expression, limiting ROS levels in cells, making this an unexpected oxidative stress regulation mechanism.
Researchers have identified a compound with chiral selectivity in cancer cells. This compound, NiP (zinc-finger-like alpha helical chiral metallo-supramolecular complex, [Ni₂L₃]4+-Penantiomer) can selectively induce telomere uncapping, trigger DNA damage responses at telomeres, degradation of the telomeric G-overhang, and delocalization of the sheltrin complex. Cellular apoptosis and senescence is induced in cancer, but not normal cells. Interestingly, NiP's enantiomer has no such effects.
These researchers used anti-γ-H2AX produced by GenScript's Custom Monoclonal Antibody Services for this publication
A team of scientists have discovered that primates, including humans, only expend about half the calories predicted for mammals of similar size. Groups working with 17 types of primates in zoos and in the wild examined the effects of energy expenditure on life-span by measuring the body's production of carbon dioxide to measure the calories burned over a 10 day period.
A series of new studies offer new insights into how aging affects gene expression in single neurons. These discoveries may advance our understanding of how aging affects communication between neurons relating to cognitive disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Scripps Research Institute. Scientists offer new insight into neuron changes brought about by aging. |
Recent work indicated that a protein called C1q, a key initiator of immune response, is concentrated at the contact points connecting nerve cells in the brain to one another. This can potentially make them vulnerable to destruction by brain-dwelling immune cells trigged by brain injury or systemic infection. The researchers screened proteins, using hundreds of antibodies to identify the potential protein which raises its expression level as much as 300 fold in aging brains concentrating at synapses. The findings identified an innovative mechanism for the cause of neurodegenerative disorders.
GenScript offers High-throughput Protein Variant Service which can produce up to 1,000 protein variants in 30 days.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan Wang J, Chen Y, Ren J, Zhao C, Qu X.
J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec Meike Wenk, Qiaorui Ba, Veronika Erichsen, Katherine MacInnes, Heike Wiese, Bettina Warscheid, and Hans-Georg Koch.
J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec Chih-Yu Chen, Allison Martorano Abell, Yang Soo Moon and Kee-Hong Kim.
J Biol Chem. 2012 Jul; Sun R, Eriksson S, Wang L
EMBO J. 2012 Jun Joaquin M, Gubern A, González-Nuñez D, Josué Ruiz E, Ferreiro I, de Nadal E, Nebreda AR, Posas F.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Dec Yun Wu and Virginia A. Zakian
J Biol Chem. 2010 Jun McMahon M, AyllÓn V, Panov KI, O'Connor R.
EMBO J. 2005 Oct Lihong Chen, Daniele M Gilkes, Yu Pan, William S Lane, and Jiandong Chen.
GenScript offers DNA damage and senescence-specific primary catalogue antibodies (See List)
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Recent studies have revealed that senescent cells, termed senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), secrete a pool of molecules, including peptides, that are believed to participate in the arrest of cellular proliferation. GenScript offers quality custom peptide synthesis for the generation of antibodies to detect senescence -related proteins, or for SASP cellular assays.
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