Antigen Analysis: Human 4-1BB ECD Alignment
ECD Domain | Human | Cyno | Mouse | Rabbit |
Human Homology | 100% | 95% | 57% | 68% |

High positive hits screening with Beacon
Assay (SA) beads assay

Valid Nano-well: 7560; Positive cell : 932
Positive%: 12.3%
Cell-based assay

Valid Nano-well: 7560; Positive cell : 112
Positive%: 1.48%

NGS sequencing

Validation of recombinant antibodies with ELISA & FACS

FACS, Median Fluorescence Intensity (MFI) +/-

Affinity analysis of 4-1BB recombinant antibodies

KD (M) = 9.701E-08

KD (M) = 7.069E-10